


4.如因身体原因需要办理停卡,则提供医院的医疗证明可办理停卡,会员卡在有效期内,可停卡1次,最长停卡时间不超过30 天;确认医疗证明后,次日开始生效
会员承诺:自身情况适于参加DTBOXING进行健身,自身状态良好,无任何妨碍运动的风险,如有隐瞒,所发生的一切后果及对他人产生的后果DTBOXING 拳击健身俱乐部不负任何责任。如因此造成第三人损害的,则由其承担赔偿责任。

First, DTBOXING membership agreement

This (DTBOXING Membership Agreement) Agreement shall apply to any course you purchase at DTBOXING and your binding contract relating to the use of DTBOXING facilities and services.

First, members
1. Participate in any course of DTBOING or use DTBOXING any service, you are a member of our DTBOXING
2. Membership Card: You can use the membership card you purchased to participate in the corresponding course.Membership card cannot be refunded or resold after purchase
3. The membership card cannot be transferred without authorization. If we find this behavior, we will cancel the membership and the remaining courses of the member will be cancelled.
4. If you need to stop the card for physical reasons, you can provide the medical certificate of the hospital to stop the card. The card can be stopped once during the validity period. The maximum card stop time is less than 30 days. After confirming the medical certificate, the time is confirmed. Effective today
5. During pregnancy, members can apply for medical certificates during the validity period, and the pregnancy period should not exceed 365 days.
6. The card cancellation date will be automatically activated after the deadline, or you can call the store in advance to take effect.
Second, attend the course
1. Appointment: You can use the membership card you have purchased to book a course within seven (7) days.
2. Cancellation: Free cancellation within 3 hours before class starts, cancellation will not be accepted within 3 hours
3. Sign-in: According to the scheduled time of the course, go to the store to sign in to the course in advance, and the staff will distribute the materials required for the class according to the information on the sign-in.
4. Absence: Any member/customer who fails to make a scheduled appointment after the course is not available on time, the member/client will still deduct the course.
5. Dressing requirements: suitable for sports clothing, and to ensure clean and tidy, not to wear jeans or clothing that is not suitable for sports. It is recommended that members bring water bottles to the class to replenish moisture.
6. In the DTBOXING member's use space, you must not drink alcohol, smoke, or make any illegal behavior related to infringement of your personal image. If you cause property damage or personal injury, you will bear the corresponding responsibility, such as feeling unwell in the classroom, please Inform the coach immediately.
Third, sports exemption
1. Before becoming a DTBOXING member, members should consult a doctor to confirm that you have no medical history affecting the training. If the staff thinks that you have a course that is not suitable for DTBOXING or use DTBOXING equipment, you need to be suspended from DTBOXING services, or You can provide relevant medical certificates to make it clear that you can participate in such sports.
Member's commitment: Self-adapted to participate in DTBOXING for fitness, in good condition, without any risk of obstructing sports, such as concealment, all consequences and consequences for others DTBOXING Boxing Fitness Club is not responsible. If it causes damage to a third party, it shall be liable for compensation.
2. Membership Commitment: Members will bear the risk of using DTBOXING facilities and services or any accidental accidents. DTBOXING cannot guarantee that all sports or facilities are not at risk. Members agree to avoid accidents when using DTBOXING equipment and services.
3. DTBOXING prohibits children under the age of 16 and older people over the age of 60 from attending the course. If 16 wants to take the course, it must be in writing or accompanied by an adult.
4. Disclaimer and compensation
1. The member agrees that there is inherent risk in the course of using DTBOXING's course or facility, and the member will assume all responsibility.
Please keep your valuables in the process of using DTBOXING members, the member agrees; DTBOXING will not bear any compensation for your loss in DTBOXING for personal reasons.